Chicha Popular - Love & Social Political Songs from Discos Horóscopo - 2LP
Most musical revolutions are born from the people. The masses have always known how to defend the pleasure and libido of music against the abstractions and elitizations of classics and academics. In this way, popular musicians preserve their origins and their eminently physical and corporal destiny; thanks to them, popular music is still a catalyst for emotions that come from the deepest body. Love and desire become the central themes of songs and melodies written for romance, seduction and the catharsis of the senses.
More than 30 years later, these songs in Chicha Popular compilation continue to resonate like the mirror of a country that was being reshaped while it looked at itself to find its own identity. In this way, chicha is more than a reflection of the superstructure and is presented as a founding pleasure for the senses; awareness, yes, but above all feeling, taste, class enjoyment. And if it’s true that revolutions come from the working class, chicha is that small great revolution of a musical heart that can never be annihilated by capital.
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